
Where strangers become family


10:00 AM

March 3, Holy Eucharist, The Rev. Brown Mujete

March 10, Morning Prayer, Cynthia Bullard

March 17, Moring Prayer, Sonny Cater

March 24, Palm Sunday, Holy Eucharist, The Rev. Brown Mujete

March 28, Maundy Thursday, 6:30pm, The Rev. Brown Mujete

March 29, Good Friday, 6:30pm, The Rev. Brown Mujete

March 31, Easter, Holy Eucharist, 10:00am, The Rev. Brown Muje


A Lenten study of the book A Timeless Gift by priest, Patricia McGregor is an invitation to come and see what God has done through blessing his people using their gifts, time, talents, and treasures to the glory of God. We will comtemplate the love of God and be renewed on our spiritual journey. Wednesdays at 1pm.


Practices for the Easter Cantata are held at the First United Methodist Church and begin on January 30 at 6:30. They continue on Tuesdays until the performance on March 24 at 6pm. We have 5 members of St. James participating this year! Come and listen to the GLORIOUS CROSS.




The weight loss support group meets on Thursday mornings at 9:00. This is not associated with Weight Watchers but consists of many members of WW that want a local meeting place to support each other, share ideas and recipes, etc. The meeting is open to all.

Building Use

The church is available for private use. Check with Pat Carter for scheduling at

Monthly Devotion

The Rev. Brown Mujete

Embracing the Promise of New Beginnings!

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19

Friends, over the last couple of weeks I have been reading the prophet Isaiah and these two verses in chapter 43 stood out for me especially as we end 2023 and begin 2024. Verses 18-19 are situated in the section where Isaiah is encouraging Israelites to look forward to a future redemption and restoration.

The preceding verses talk about God’s ability to forgive sins and call for the people to return to Him. The prophet emphasizes the importance of letting go of the past and anticipating the new things that God is going to do. The imagery of making a “new way in the wilderness” and creating “rivers in the desert” symbolizes the divine ability to bring about transformation and renewal in seemingly impossible situations.

This passage offers inspiration and hope, reminding the people that God’s plans for them surpass their current circumstances, offering a vision of a future filled with promise and divine intervention. These verses remind us to let go of the burdens of yesterday, for today brings a fresh start. The God, who spoke galaxies into existence, invites us to witness the unveiling of His new masterpiece in our lives. He assures us that His plans for us are filled with hope, purpose, and abundance.

As we bid farewell to the challenges and triumphs of this past year, let us embrace the promise of a new beginning. Like a brand-new book, 365 blank pages lie before us ready to be filled with adventures and stories of our journeys in the new year.

In the face of uncertainty, we are called to remember and trust that God is orchestrating a symphony of blessings, opportunities, and growth. Even in the wilderness of challenges, God paves a way, and in the dry deserts of life, He creates rivers of refreshment.

May this new year be a season of renewal, a time to embrace change with courage and to walk confidently into the unknown. Let us open our hearts to the infinite possibilities that lie ahead, guided by faith, fueled by hope, and anchored in love.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all; now and forever, Amen!

Happy New Year!

With love and blessings, Fr. Brown Mujete


Come and meet The Reverend Brown Mujete

Come and meet Brown on the first, third, or fifth Sunday at 10:00 am for our Holy Eucharist service. Brown began his ministry with us on October 3. He and his family are originally from Kenya. For the last three years, they have resided in Richmond, IN. He is a 2021 graduate from Earlham School of Religion (ESR) with a Master of Divinity degree. He is currently enrolled as a MA Student at ESR studying Peace and Social Transformation. Brown was ordained as a priest in the Anglican Church in Kenya and has been licensed by The Right Reverend Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, Bishop of the Diocese of Indianapolis, to serve in this diocese.

Brown and his wife, Petra, have three children, Alexis, 5, Drake, 3, and Alyssa, 1. (Editor’s note: the children are so cute and very friendly!)

Brown will be with us on the first, third, and fifth Sundays of the month for Holy Eucharist at 10 am and in the office 11:00-3:00 pm for any pastoral care needs, days may vary. Please call 765-967-1174 or email to schedule an appointment.

 Newest Covid Guidelines

These guidelines can change week by week. Please remember to bring a mask along just in case the numbers go up. Currently, we are not wearing masks and we do sing hymns. You are welcome to wear a mask at any time. We do ask that a mask be worn if you are not fully vaccinated. Please remember to maintain a 6 feet distance in the Sanctuary and at Coffee Hour. It is easy to forget. Thank you for being flexible as we navigate this together.

 Healing Service

Healing services will resume in the new year.

 Raintree Square Ministry

We are resuming our service at Raintree Square Retirement Community Apartments! We will be there the first Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm. If you have family or friends who live here we would love to see you and them to worship and sing God’s praise!

 Holy Hikes

Check out Holy Hikes date, time, and locations on Facebook:

“Holy Hikes - Diocese of Indianapolis”.

 Our Holy Hike on the Wilbur Wright Trail July 24, 2021

 Saint James Day

We had our first pitch-in since the pandemic on Sunday, July 25, 2021

 Bishop’s Committee Meeting via ZOOM and in person on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

Daughter’s of the King Meeting via ZOOM and in person on the third Wednesday of the month - lunch bunch at noon meeting to follow at 12:30 p.m.