Where strangers become family

10:00 AM

Holy Eucharist first, third, and fifth Sundays

Morning Prayer second and fourth Sundays

We are also holding services concurrently on Zoom and live streaming via Facebook.

You will be asked for passcode 5309

Note: The Live Stream will not be available when we cannot meet in person in the church building. Please join us via Zoom!

 Newest Covid Guidelines

These guidelines can change week by week. Please remember to bring a mask along just in case the numbers go up. Currently, we are not wearing masks and we do sing hymns. You are welcome to wear a mask at any time. We do ask that a mask be worn if you are not fully vaccinated. Please remember to maintain a 6 feet distance in the Sanctuary and at Coffee Hour. It is easy to forget. Thank you for being flexible as we navigate this together.


Holy Eucharist

The Holy Eucharist is the priest led service of the Liturgy for the Proclamation of the Word of God and Celebration of the Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer on Sundays at 10am. This service contains three readings from the Bible and a Psalm. We recite the Lord’s Prayer and we say prayers for: the Universal Church (all denominations), its members and its mission, for the Nation and all in authority, for the welfare of the world, for the concerns of the local community, for those who suffer and those in any trouble, and for the departed. We recite the creeds of our faith that state our basic beliefs about God. We sing hymns throughout the service. During this service, we have Eucharist, also known as communion, receiving bread and wine from a common cup. Due to the pandemic, we have made changes receive the wine in individual cups.

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Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer is a lay (parishioner) led service. Lay leaders conduct this service from our Book of Common Prayer on Sundays at 10am. It contains three readings from the Bible and a Psalm, two Canticles which are excerpts from the Bible, the Apostle’s Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the prayers listed above. Some of our Morning Prayer services are “quiet”, meaning they have no hymns. Some do contain hymns, it’s the Lay Leader’s choice.